@extends('layouts.admin') @section('title') Server — {{ $server->name }}: Startup @endsection @section('content-header')

{{ $server->name }}Control startup command as well as variables.

@endsection @section('content') @include('admin.servers.partials.navigation')

Startup Command Modification

Edit your server's startup command here. The following variables are available by default: @{{SERVER_MEMORY}}, @{{SERVER_IP}}, and @{{SERVER_PORT}}.

Service Configuration

Changing any of the below values will result in the server processing a re-install command. The server will be stopped and will then proceed. If you would like the service scripts to not run, ensure the box is checked at the bottom.

This is a destructive operation in many cases. This server will be stopped immediately in order for this action to proceed.

Select the Nest that this server will be grouped into.

Select the Egg that will provide processing data for this server.

skip_scripts) checked @endif />

If the selected Egg has an install script attached to it, the script will run during install. If you would like to skip this step, check this box.

Docker Image Configuration

This is the Docker image that will be used to run this server. Select an image from the dropdown or enter a custom image in the text field above.

@endsection @section('footer-scripts') @parent {!! Theme::js('vendor/lodash/lodash.js') !!} @endsection