@extends('layouts.admin') @section('title') {{ $node->name }}: Allocations @endsection @section('content-header')

{{ $node->name }}Control allocations available for servers on this node.

@endsection @section('content')

Existing Allocations

@foreach($node->allocations as $allocation) @endforeach
IP Address IP Alias Port Assigned To
@if(is_null($allocation->server_id)) @else @endif {{ $allocation->ip }} {{ $allocation->port }} @if(! is_null($allocation->server)) {{ $allocation->server->name }} @endif @if(is_null($allocation->server_id)) @endif
@if($node->allocations->hasPages()) @endif

Assign New Allocations

Enter an IP address to assign ports to here.

If you would like to assign a default alias to these allocations enter it here.

Enter individual ports or port ranges here separated by commas or spaces.

@endsection @section('footer-scripts') @parent @endsection