@extends('layouts.admin') @section('title') Nests → New Egg @endsection @section('content-header')

New EggCreate a new Egg to assign to servers.

@endsection @section('content')


Think of a Nest as a category. You can put multiple Eggs in a nest, but consider putting only Eggs that are related to each other in each Nest.

A simple, human-readable name to use as an identifier for this Egg. This is what users will see as their game server type.

A description of this Egg.

Forces all outgoing network traffic to have its Source IP NATed to the IP of the server's primary allocation IP. Required for certain games to work properly when the Node has multiple public IP addresses.
Enabling this option will disable internal networking for any servers using this egg, causing them to be unable to internally access other servers on the same node.

The docker images available to servers using this egg. Enter one per line. Users will be able to select from this list of images if more than one value is provided.

The default startup command that should be used for new servers created with this Egg. You can change this per-server as needed.

Process Management

All fields are required unless you select a separate option from the 'Copy Settings From' dropdown, in which case fields may be left blank to use the values from that option.

If you would like to default to settings from another Egg select it from the dropdown above.

The command that should be sent to server processes to stop them gracefully. If you need to send a SIGINT you should enter ^C here.

This should be a JSON representation of where log files are stored, and whether or not the daemon should be creating custom logs.

This should be a JSON representation of configuration files to modify and what parts should be changed.

This should be a JSON representation of what values the daemon should be looking for when booting a server to determine completion.

@endsection @section('footer-scripts') @parent {!! Theme::js('vendor/lodash/lodash.js') !!} @endsection